Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Josh Peck Answers My Questions About CERN and Quantum Computers

Every week on Skywatch TV's, Into The Multiverse , hosts Josh and Christina Peck take the viewer on a journey of discovery into the weird worlds of quantum physics, cosmology, and prophecy. Josh is also the author of many books, with his most recent co-authored with Tom Horn, Abaddon Ascending: The Ancient Conspiracy at the Center of CERN's Most Secretive Mission. I recently had the privilege to ask Josh Peck some questions dealing with quantum physics and CERN from a Biblical perspective.  I was eager to get his take on these topics, as I believe we are living in the last days, and having this knowledge could be paramount in understanding Bible prophecy and the universe itself.

First, I wanted to ask you about your background in quantum physics.  How do you get into the study of quantum physics?

My wife, Christina, was really the one who caused me to become interested in quantum physics. I used to stay away from it because I had the false belief that quantum physics and the Bible weren't compatible. When Christina and I started dating, she already had an interest in physics. We were poor, so the only TV channels we were able to get were public access science shows and Christian shows. Through those, we started seeing the two had more in common that I had previously thought. 

Do you believe that quantum physics holds the secrets to how God made our universe?

Yes and no. I believe it is a step in the right direction. However, ultimately, I believe what God wants secret will remain secret. Yet, at the same time, I believe quantum physics can give us a much richer view of reality no other science is able to provide. Through this, we can gain more appreciation for the genius of our Father to see how He put everything together.   

There is a lot of talk about what is going on at CERN and the LHC, a lot of conspiracy theories, a lot of people scared that it is causing earth quakes, strange occurrences, and that it could cause a catastrophic event.  Do you believe that the experiments at CERN could cause those things and unexplained phenomenon to occur? That it could split the veil between the spiritual realms?

As far as earthquakes and black holes, I believe the chances of those being caused by CERN are incredibly slim and I have not seen any convincing evidence linking the two, though I suppose it is still possible. As far as splitting the veil, they have gone on record to say they are searching for higher dimensions and suspect they may make contact with entities there. We would recognize this as the spirit realm, but they see it as a super-physical place all around our own reality yet separate from it. I do believe either CERN or some other organization in the future will achieve this goal which will, in my personal opinion, fulfill the Revelation 9 prophecy about the opening of the abyss. 

To mark the opening of the Gotthard Tunnel, CERN hosted what many are calling an occult ceremony or ritual to celebrate the event.  What do you think is the significance of this?

I think it shows the demonic realm has far more influence over these things than most people, possibly even the participants themselves, are aware. If the enemy can inspire something like that, imagine what they can do if dimensions are breached and they are allowed fully into our reality. 

In your book, that you co-authored with Tom Horn, Abaddon Ascending: The Ancient Conspiracy at the Center of CERN’s Most Secretive Mission, there is a reference to the LHC being built over a former temple to the god Apollo.  Do you believe that is a coincidence or could it hold a deeper meaning?

I do not believe this was a coincidence, at least not on the spiritual side. I believe the humans who made the decisions where to build the LHC knew about it as well, but a case could be made that they may not have known. However, I do believe it was inspired by the enemy to build in that location, over the ruins of an ancient city in which the citizens worshipped the god Apollo and believed the bottomless pit resided there. 

Do you know if CERN is using a D-Wave quantum computer in their analysis and study of quantum particles and fields?

I know CERN is very interested in quantum computing in order to process the vast amount of data the LHC produced, however I do not know specifically about the D-Wave. 

The D-Wave computer is said to be able to pull information from other dimensions.  This is scary when you think about it.  Do you think that it is possible that they are actually contacting the spiritual or demonic realm to get information?  

Very well could be. Quantum computers use a naturally-occurring process called "quantum entanglement" in which particles can communicate instantaneously. It is a mystery how these particles are doing this, but one theory is they are possibly utilizing higher dimensions. If this is the case, then quantum computers, in a way, could be utilizing higher dimensions. 

Some people are saying that CERN and the D-Wave computer together could open a portal to the Abyss from Revelation.  Any thoughts on this?

This could be the thing that allows the angel to open the bottomless pit; the act of defiance against God where He finally says enough is enough. If true, I do believe this would be the time when the demonic locusts and Abaddon himself will be released from the bottomless pit to create chaos against an unsuspecting world. It is scary to think about, however we are told they do not hurt followers of Christ. Even if we are here when this happens, and I'm not saying we will or won't be, we as Christians will be safe from these entities and their king. 

Josh Peck
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Sunday, September 3, 2017

Unexplained Phenomena at Board Camp Crystal Mine in Mena, AR

Event Site

In researching for supernatural occurrences to investigate, I stumbled upon a Youtube video titled Game Cam Photos of Levitating Rocks at Board Camp Crystal Mine.  It quickly perked my interest, and since I grew up only an hour away from this area, I knew exactly where this was located.  The small town of Mena, Arkansas and it's surrounding neighbors are no strangers to me.  

I watched the video and rewatched it, slowing it down frame by frame observing what they called the "strange phenomena" of rocks moving by themselves.  I didn't know at the time, that this was only a little piece of the puzzle to what has been happening at this crystal mine.  

I had my husband watch it with me and our first impression was that they had to be moving the rocks themselves.  Then I noticed bright flashes of light and temperature changes.  I researched on the internet for anything related to this crystal mine and the phenomena.  Being a new member of MUFON, I researched their database and realized quickly that sightings of UFO's had been reported at about the same time that these pictures were captured by the game camera.  I also found a post from another source UFO Hunters with someone reporting a sighting from February 2017.  (Click on the link to see it)  With a little more in-depth research, I realized quickly that this had gained national attention from MUFON and also the Travel Channel.  

The Board Camp Crystal Mine will be featured on the Travel Channel's upcoming four part mini-series Expedition Unknown: Hunt for Extraterrestrials with Josh Gates and also featuring Chase Kloetzke, Special Assignment Team Investigator, from MUFON.  It will start airing, October 4th, 2017, on the Travel Channel.

With more interesting videos being released on Board Camp Mine's Youtube Channel and in reading news articles from across the web, I wanted to see this for myself.  It took me a few weeks to finally be able to travel to Mena.  For this visit, I was only able to do a day time tour, but in hearing the stories and seeing some of the strange evidence myself, I will be going back with more gear for a full investigation and a night watch.  Let me just say this before I go further, the videos do not do the levitation and movement of the rocks justice. Before I went there myself, I thought the crystals on the home made scale were small. These are huge rocks that probably weigh many pounds!!!! Remember, the rocks are only part of the sightings, not the full story.
Ends of Leaves Burnt from Event Above Crystal Mine

Orville and Cheryl Murphy bought the mine in 2008 and opened a public dig site in 2012 for quartz crystal.  Last fall, Orville started noticing orbs of light in the woods.  Since then, more and more strange phenomena continues to occur. 
  • Unexplained lights that manifest and disappear
  • Game camera photos showing rocks levitating and moving out of position
  • Glowing orbs in different colors that seem to float in the woods and the surrounding areas. 
  • Batteries mysteriously being drained
  • Large quartz crystals that appear to drop from the sky
  • The leaves on the end of branches that surround the mine have burn marks and are dying
  • Metal objects and fence posts that surround the mine are becoming magnetized

What I found really interesting, is that not only are the Murphy's experiencing unexplained events, their surrounding neighbors are too.  As I stated above, there have also been many UFO sightings reported around the same time as some of the major events that took place at the mine.  I am truly intrigued. Are the orbs caused from the piezoelectricity caused from quartz crystal?  Is their a scientific explanation for everything?  Why are there UFO's over the crystal mine? What makes it so special?  I don't have the answers to those questions.

I can only attest to the fact that while I was there, I was shown surveillance footage of unexplained lights and orbs that I cannot explain.  I was also given a tour of the mine and told many of the stories of eye witness accounts of strange happenings in and around the mine area.  I was also shown fence posts that have been put up to protect the natural landscape of the mine.  These fence posts are becoming magnetized.  Orville showed me, using an ordinary compass, that the ends of the fence posts are becoming polarized. One end makes the compass point to north and the other end points to the south.  That was truly amazing. What could be causing this phenomena?  There was also an increased electromagnetic field surrounding the fence posts.  Is this from the crystal energy? 

As we walked around the mine, two white pieces of wire were sticking up out the ground.  Orville asked Cheryl to pick them up, I believed, worried someone might trip over them.  She pulled them up from out of the ground and recognized them as dousing rods that a lady had left from an earlier visit.  Orville pulled out his compass to see if, by chance, these metal rods were affected by whatever is going on there. With the two rods held together, he checked the ends to see if it would make the compass move.  Nothing.  Then he used just one rod by itself.  As he moved the compass to the end of the white rod, I felt myself get a little excited. Did it do anything? Sure enough, the compass moved to north. He checked the opposite end of the wire and the compass moved to south.  It was polarized! My mind was racing.  How did that happen from just being stuck in the ground?  With that, he checked the other rod and it was polarized opposite from the first.  That's why the compass did not move.  They were canceling each other out. Just what the heck is happening at this place? This is why the mine is still under investigation and many things are unexplained.

The Murphy's didn't just experience one event of strange phenomena, it is continuing! That's what makes their story so intriguing.  Since they began to let other investigators visit, give tours, and do night watches, many other people have reported seeing strange sightings.  They are even capturing them on cameras. Just go to their Facebook page and read all the new accounts of sightings and look at the pictures for yourself.  

I was sad to have to leave the tour with so many unanswered questions and to not get a chance to do a complete investigation myself.  Time can be my enemy.  But I left with the knowledge that something amazing is happening at the Board Camp Crystal Mine and that I will be back to investigate it further with more equipment. I also got the chance to meet some of the nicest and warmest people I have ever met in my life.  Orville and Cheryl made me feel very welcome to be there and let me ask as many questions as I wanted.  We probably could have continued to talk for hours.  There is so much more information that I could share, but I don't want to ruin it for everyone.  My advice is to go see it for yourself.

They give tours on Wednesdays through Saturdays from 9:00am to 11:00am. Night watches are on Saturdays starting at 7:00pm. Please visit the link above for more information.  If your wanting more information about the strange phenomena, I encourage you to check out their Facebook page and visit their website and read the personal testimonies of other visitors and investigators. Also, they were recently interviewed on Inception Radio Network. Click the link for the interview.  

I'm eager to return to try and see if I can capture something myself and also eager to hear MUFON's report on the upcoming episode of Expedition Unknown.

Kerri Bingaman
Founder of

P.S. One more thing....I did have a geek out moment in the Jeep that Josh Gates drove for the upcoming episode.  You can't get a cheesier grin than this.

Disclosure:  The thoughts and opinions in this post are my own and may not reflect the thoughts and opinions of other.  This post is not sponsored and is not affiliated with the Board Camp Crystal Mine. Visit their website for more information.