Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Tracing the Canaanites to North America - Baal Worship Part One

 Researchers like L.A. Marzulli, Fritz Zimmerman, Steve Quayle, & Tom Horn among others believe that during the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites, the Canaanites fled to other parts of the world.

Fritz Zimmerman believes that the Ammorites (Phoenicians) came to the Ohio River Valley and are responsible for the great earthworks in that region and mined the Great Lakes region for copper.  I believe that not only did they stay in the Ohio River Valley but migrated further south into the Mississippian region as evidenced by all the ancient mound sites and historical evidence of giant remains.  Many news articles from the 1800's and early 1900's report many cases of giant bones found in or near mound sites.  

But what other evidence of their supposed existence and influence in North America do we have?  The bones of the giants are no longer available for study thanks to the Smithsonian cover up.  The Smithsonian sent in their own teams for archaeological study and recovery of artifacts.  After John Wesley Powell declared that the mounds were built by indigenous peoples and nothing more, mainstream archaeology has stopped looking for other possible answers.  With the addition of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) passed in 1990, any chance to study the remains of the mound builders (if remains were available) has long past because of the bureaucratic red tape.

So getting back to my original question...what evidence do we have?
Baal Worship.  Where ever the Canaanites went, their "gods" traveled with them.  I believe that some of the Canaanite giants fled to North America bringing their culture and belief system with them.  Native American legends tell of the "red haired giants" that were evil and cannibalistic inhabiting many places in North America before the natives.  

The Phoenicians were the descendants of the Canaanites that were condemned to destruction by God during the conquest of Canaan. They lived in the cities of Tyre and Sidon in northern Canaan near the coast of the Mediterranean Sea (now modern Lebanon and part of Syria), which interestingly is not far from Mount Hermon, where the Book of Enoch tells us that the Watchers came down from heaven.  The Phoenicians were skilled in seamanship and had vast trade routes all long the Mediterranean Sea and even extended into Brittany and the British Isles.  Evidence that they arrived in Brazil about 550 B.C. is found on an inscribed stone in old Canaanite letters.  They established Carthage on the North African coast in 814 B.C., and after the city fell, fled to another colony located in Iberia (Spain).

They were also skilled masons.  It was the Phoenicians that helped Solomon build his temple.  It is also believed that they built the Temple to Baal in Baalbek, Lebanon.  Baalbek contains some of the largest stone pillars and blocks in the world.  Another temple located near Satifah, Syria is said to have blocks up to five meters long.  How were normal size men able to move these massive stones and timber?  

The Ammorites were believed to be giants as found in these scriptures:
Amos 2:9-10 New Living Translation (NLT)

9 “But as my people watched,

    I destroyed the Amorites,
though they were as tall as cedars
    and as strong as oaks.
I destroyed the fruit on their branches
    and dug out their roots.
10 It was I who rescued you from Egypt
    and led you through the desert for forty years,
    so you could possess the land of the Amorites.

Numbers 13:31-33

31 But the other men who had explored the land with him disagreed. “We can’t go up against them! They are stronger than we are!” 32 So they spread this bad report about the land among the Israelites: “The land we traveled through and explored will devour anyone who goes to live there. All the people we saw were huge. 33 We even saw giants[b] there, the descendants of Anak. Next to them we felt like grasshoppers, and that’s what they thought, too!”

A group of Russian scientists discovered a giant's graveyard near Aleppo, Syria, and reported a 7.5 meter skeleton buried there, which would be 24.61 feet in our measurements here in the U.S. Also, at Suq Wadi Barada on the outskirts of Damascus the Tomb Abel (son of Adam) is almost nine meters long and says to contain giant bones.  Not surprisingly, this is not far from the legendary Baalbek. 

It was the Phoenicians that were the first to discover purple dye and use it as a sign of royalty or high office.  They also established a form of writing called "Punic". So we know that these people were not mere savages but an advanced civilization.  We can also see God's judgement against the city of Tyre in Isaiah 23.

Isaiah 23 New Living Translation (NLT)

A Message about Tyre
23 This message came to me concerning Tyre:

Wail, you trading ships of Tarshish,
    for the harbor and houses of Tyre are gone!
The rumors you heard in Cyprus[a]
    are all true.
2 Mourn in silence, you people of the coast
    and you merchants of Sidon.
Your traders crossed the sea,[b]
3     sailing over deep waters.
They brought you grain from Egypt[c]
    and harvests from along the Nile.
You were the marketplace of the world.
4 But now you are put to shame, city of Sidon,
    for Tyre, the fortress of the sea, says,[d]
“Now I am childless;
    I have no sons or daughters.”
5 When Egypt hears the news about Tyre,
    there will be great sorrow.
6 Send word now to Tarshish!
    Wail, you people who live in distant lands!
7 Is this silent ruin all that is left of your once joyous city?
    What a long history was yours!
    Think of all the colonists you sent to distant places.
8 Who has brought this disaster on Tyre,
    that great creator of kingdoms?
Her traders were all princes,
    her merchants were nobles.
9 The Lord of Heaven’s Armies has done it
    to destroy your pride
    and bring low all earth’s nobility.
10 Come, people of Tarshish,
    sweep over the land like the flooding Nile,
    for Tyre is defenseless.[e]
11 The Lord held out his hand over the sea
    and shook the kingdoms of the earth.
He has spoken out against Phoenicia,[f]
    ordering that her fortresses be destroyed.
12 He says, “Never again will you rejoice,
    O daughter of Sidon, for you have been crushed.
Even if you flee to Cyprus,
    you will find no rest.”
13 Look at the land of Babylonia[g]—
    the people of that land are gone!
The Assyrians have handed Babylon over
    to the wild animals of the desert.
They have built siege ramps against its walls,
    torn down its palaces,
    and turned it to a heap of rubble.
14 Wail, you ships of Tarshish,
    for your harbor is destroyed!
15 For seventy years, the length of a king’s life, Tyre will be forgotten. But then the city will come back to life as in the song about the prostitute:

16 Take a harp and walk the streets,
    you forgotten harlot.
Make sweet melody and sing your songs
    so you will be remembered again.
17 Yes, after seventy years the Lord will revive Tyre. But she will be no different than she was before. She will again be a prostitute to all kingdoms around the world. 18 But in the end her profits will be given to the Lord. Her wealth will not be hoarded but will provide good food and fine clothing for the Lord’s priests.

So what about Baal worship?
Baal  itself was a title meaning "lord" in the languages spoken in the Levant.  Later it was applied to the Canaanite "gods". Baal was associated with fertility, wind, rain, and power of lightning, and was depicted as a sun god. He was regarded by the Phoenicians as the patron of sailors and sea-going merchants and also regarded as leader of the Rephaim, the ancestral spirits, particularly those of ruling dynasties.  The worship of Baal spread throughout the Mediterranean by the Phoenician colonies.  This is also the deity that the Israelites worshipped went they went astray many times in the Old Testament.  

Ba'al Hammon was worshipped in Carthage as their supreme god. It was he along with his consort Ashtarte or Tanit (moon goddess) that the Canaanites sacrificed their children too.  With their throats slit, babies and children were placed on a downward alter to roll into the outstretched arms of Baal into the fiery furnace below. Archaeologists excavating areas in Canaan found a large number of jars that contained the remains of children who had been sacrificed to Baal.  Sexual immorality, child sacrifice, false god worship, and other wicked acts too grisly to imagine were widespread throughout the land of Canaan.

TO BE CONT...........

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