Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Should We Pray To The Virgin Mary & Why Can't I Get Lady Gaga Out of My Head!

Today I can't get Lady Gaga's song Bloody Mary out of my head. It all started after watching a Skywatch TV program where they discussed the Pope going to Fatima to visit the place where an apparition appeared to some young girls in the 1917. This apparition was believed to be "Mary" and gave the girls messages about the future. This is part of what the Pope had to say on his journey to Fatima.

“Last night I returned from the pilgrimage to Fatima,” he said, pausing to add a greeting to “the Madonna of Fatima!” followed by cheers from those present.

“In Fatima, I was immersed in the prayer of the holy faithful people, a prayer that flows there for 100 years as a river, to beg Mary’s maternal protection on the whole world,” he went on.

“From the very beginning, when in the Chapel of the Apparitions, I stayed for a long time in silence, accompanied by the prayerful silence of all the pilgrims — a together and contemplative climate was created where the various moments of prayer took place.”
And at the center of all of this, he said, was the Risen Lord present in the Eucharist.
Even 100 years after the first appearance of Our Lady of Fatima, there is still a great need for prayer and penance for the grace of conversion, Francis said. We also need prayers “to implore the end of so many wars that are everywhere in the world … and which disfigure the face of humanity.”
“Let us be guided by the light coming from Fatima. The Immaculate Heart of Mary is always our shelter, our consolation and the way that leads us to Christ,” he said.
Following the prayer, the Pope spoke with sympathy for the people affected by wars and conflicts in the Middle East, both Christians and Muslims, who suffer from violence and discrimination.
“My solidarity accompanies the memory of prayer,” he said, thanking all those who provide humanitarian aid and encouraging “the various communities to follow the path of dialogue and reconciliation to build a future of respect, security and peace.”
He also mentioned the beatification in Dublin May 13 of Jesuit priest John Sullivan, who lived during the 19th and 20th centuries in Ireland. He was devoted to the teaching and training of young people, the Pope said, “and was loved and respected as a father to the poor and the suffering.”
Pope Francis concluded his address by mentioning the celebration of Mother’s Day in several countries and prompting a moment of prayer. “Let us remember with gratitude and affection all moms, even our moms in heaven, trusting them to Mary, the Mother of Jesus.”
Back to the Blood Mary song by Lady Gaga. I made a comment on the Skywatch TV video about not worshipping Mary. Yesterday, when I opened my phone, the song Bloody Mary was playing on my phone. Coincidence? Maybe not!! I used to listen to Lady Gaga all the time. I listened to the words and the song is demonic filled with hidden meanings. Now it's stuck in my head. It led me to write this post today.
Let me be clear in saying that I don't have anything against Catholics. We are both brothers and sisters in Christ. The problem is that Christians are led astray into worshipping and praying to the Virgin Mary instead of Jesus Christ. As Christians we don't have to pray through a priest, the pope, or the Virgin Mary. Our prayers go directly to Jesus. We don't need to be guided by the light coming from Fatima, and this apparition is not our shelter and does not lead us to Christ. We need to be careful when apparitions such as this appear so that we as Christians are not deceived. I give honor to Mary as the mother of Jesus but I pray to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, because He is the truth, the light, and the way!! We need to make sure that we are not following "false prophets". If Satan can lead us astray, he will. Do not be deceived my fellow Christians.
Have a Great Day!!!

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