Monday, May 29, 2017

New Videos and Informative Info Coming Soon!!

During the next few weeks I'm going to try to finish my part 2 video for Youtube for my Evidence of Nephilim in North America video.  So stay tuned for that!! :)
Also, it will be kinda hectic around here for the next month.  I'm going to be helping my mother after her surgery in a few weeks, so please pray for her speedy recovery.  
While I'm in Eastern Oklahoma I will be doing some more research and getting some more pictures to put on this site.  
I'm also going to work on making a better picture gallery than the current one.  I don't like the way it turned out.  That's why it isn't finished.  I hope to have all that finished by the end of the summer after mom is better. 
Promise I'll be back to blogging regular soon!! Thanks guys :)

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