Thursday, May 4, 2017

2016 Paranormal Expo in Little Rock, AR

Hey guys!! I'm glad to finally get this out to you.  Last weekend, we traveled to Little Rock to attend the 6th Annual Arkansas Paranormal Expo.  We had never been to one before so I had no idea what to expect.  I have always been interested in the paranormal and the unexplained.  Danny not so much. He thinks it's fake and I had to drag him along.  My daughter was excited to go, but after we got there, she quickly got bored.
This year they had speakers on Saturday and Sunday covering topics from UFO's, Bigfoot, the Supernatural, and Ghosts.  Ken Gerhard from the Travel Channel, Destination America, and National Geographic was there to give a speech Saturday over Crytozoolgy in Arkansas.  Apparently, Arkansas is prime for these creatures, even bigfoot!! Ahhh..There's monsters in them there hills.  I don't know if this is true or not.  I'm originally from Southeastern Oklahoma and a few years back, Bigfoot hunters flooded the Talihina and Honobia areas looking for the hairy beast.  No one found him.  Of course they found hair samples, deer that had been hung high up in trees..yada, yada..My dad hunted those areas all his life and never reported seeing or hearing anything.  Maybe I'm a skeptic on Bigfoot, but I was there more for the paranormal aspect.
I have seen shadow men out of the corner of my eye, witnessed a blue glowing orb at the Crescent hotel on one of my trips a few years back, heard sounds at night I could not explain when no one else was around..yeah, maybe I'm going crazy..but maybe not.  I think that is what drives people to explore the paranormal world and seek out the supernatural.
At one booth, you could hear EVP's.  I heard a voice plainly say "Get OUT!!"  I was a little freaked out after that.  One booth in particular that caught my eye was from Haunted Tours of Little Rock.  They offer a two hour tour and cover the history and legend of the Historic Quapaw Quarter, Argenta Historic Distric, and Mount Holly Cemeter, which is also know as the "Westminster Abbey of Arkansas".  You can see this info in the picture above of their brochure.  These ladies were very nice and very knowleable.  Check it out!! It might be a fun evening..:)  While I was visiting with them, they told me that the MacArthur Museum is one of the most haunted places in Little Rock.  Many paranormal groups come there to do investigations and they have captured lots of evidence.  She even told me a portal to the other side is in the Museum..ummm well, I don't know about that..So the whole rest of the time we were in there, I keep looking or trying to feel for this portal..Nada, nothing..
With my faith, I don't really believe in portal to a spirit realm, although, I do believe in windows to heaven which the spirit travels back to God upon death.  I do think that it's not the dead that is sticking around after death.  I believe it's evil spirits playing with people. Have you seen the Conjuring 2?? Hello!! That's scary shit..pardon my French.
It was a fun thing to do on a Saturday afternoon and the weather was nice that day.  I hope that it grows a little bigger and that there will be more booths next year.  I might have to leave the kid and Danny at home too next time, so I can stay longer and listen to the presentations.  If you are in to this stuff or a little curious, I encourage you to check this out next year.  You can also find information on their website here:

Disclosure: The thoughts and opinions in this post are my own, this post was not sponsored and I did not receive compensation. 

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